A universe 350 years in our future.
A tale spanning 1,000 years.
Five teens, lost in space on a living starship.
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Tales of the Antares Rangers
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.ship tour
Cross sectional view
TalesoftheAntaresRangers © 2011
See what's inside the Sampson K. Perry.
Plan view
Although Deck 1 is one of the smallest decks of the ship, it might just be the most important of them all. Here, the massive environmental plant of the ship provides the crew with all the breathable air and recycling systems they need to survive. Although food is available in the galley further upship, it is here where it is manufactured. Deck 1 is also where the manufacturing, laboratories, and medical clinics are housed. As the Chief Medical Officer on the ship, Henrietta spends much of her time down here when she is not navigating the ship. Supplies, ranging from organics to rocks and minerals, are also stored aft on Deck 1, which can cycle directly into the manufacturing units. Do you want a new video game or uniform? Just come down to the manufactory to order it.
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