A universe 350 years in our future.
A tale spanning 1,000 years.
Five teens, lost in space on a living starship.
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.ship tour
Cross sectional view
TalesoftheAntaresRangers © 2011
See what's inside the Sampson K. Perry.
Plan view
Deck 3 is dedicated to only a few things, but they are still very important. The Rec Area (forward) is where the crew works out and blows off steam. Here, there is a full gymnasium with a basketball court and small soccer field, a full exercise platform, and teaching creches (electronic booths where complex subjects can be learned). The Hangar Deck provides the home for two fighter craft and a heavy lift shuttle. Of course, small craft maintenance occupies a large portion of Deck 3 as well. The smell of sweat and oil greets all visitors to this deck!
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